Getting started

Consul client

taskman uses the python consul api wrapper library consulate. To use most of the features of taskman, you first need to create a consulate client like so:

>>> import consulate
>>> client = consulate.Consul()

You can find information on what arguments you can pass to the client here.


First you need create a queue:

>>> import taskman.queue
>>> myqueue = taskman.queue.Queue(client, path='/myqueue')

taskman will start setting up the correct key structure for the queue in the path given to it.

You can check the length of the queue with:

>>> len(myqueue)

You can put a task on the queue using the put method. The task body must be a string.

>>> myqueue.put('hello, world')
>>> len(myqueue)

You can also give the task a priority. The priority is a integer value, with at most 3 digits. Lower values signify a higher priority. The default is 100, so if you want to make the next task a higher priority, you can do:

>>> myqueue.put('foo bar', priority=10)

To pick a task off the queue you do:

>>> task = myqueue.get()
>>> task
'foo bar'

This will remove the task from the queue:

>>> len(myqueue)